Educationally Altruistic

  • 3 Questions a Student Must Ask to Have Laser Focus

    "Certain activities and tasks come so easily to you, but to everyone else, it is a challenge. Here is what I have learned and observed: the hurtful and painful experiences helped to reveal my purpose in life. As a child, I faced adverse childhood experiences which included abuse and poverty. In my mind, I thought 'Am I the only one experiencing this right now? What should I do?' While at the time, I did not know what to do or how to cope with such difficulties, now I can say this is the reason why I write, motivate, and empower. I want to be the person that I needed when I faced those challenges."
  • Justice in a Pandemic

    Students who have persevered through the year 2020 need justice. This blog post includes an excerpt from my personal writing journal in the challenging year 2020. The goal of this message is to bring to your awareness that students also need justice. I wrote this with the intent to empower students that have lost the motivation to proceed in education. Most importantly, I wrote this to reawaken the academic competency in every student as we approach a new school year. 

  • Two Keys to Self Discipline | Focus & Integrity

    Hey Class,  Today's discussion is centered around the subject self-discipline. Considering that you have goals in your life and you have no problem...