Justice in a Pandemic

Hey Class, 

Justice in your personal life is a priority, believe it or not. Have you considered you as it relates to justice? Many of you reading this have pleaded for justice in politics and racial equality. The truth of the matter is, justice goes far beyond chaotic events that take place in the world. In fact, as a result of worldwide catastrophe, it can be quite simple to forget about yourself and your aspirations. Unexpected events remove your focus and replace it with fear. Fear only paralyzes you and does not allow you to advance because you are suddenly wondering, “What if?” Justice is something that is fought for and won through unity, action, and effort. 

The outbreak of COVID-19 was beyond your control and your education may have been placed on the back-burner because of the extensive panic. When safety resources were scarce, all the attention was driven to essential workers and their protection. The horrific effects of the virus caused everyone to re-evaluate their priorities. As many of us recall so clearly, schools shut down and the phrase “virtual learning” was the new normal. 

In 2020, the necessity for mental health check-ins skyrocketed. An outlet to perform in sports and music was made secondary for standard precautions. A plethora of activities and attractions were put on pause during that year. However, now that we are recovering both individually and as a society from the pandemic; I solemnly urge you to seek justice in a pandemic, education style. Follow me on this brief journey as I put into perspective where I was in the autumn of 2020. 


“According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, justice is conformity to truth, fact, or reason. In the present year of 2020, we have witnessed a series of happenings that have surprised us, shook us, and have angered us. The well-known basketball legend, Kobe Bryant, and his beautiful daughter passed away in a horrific helicopter crash, police brutality is reported on a week-to-week basis, black men and women have been killed by heartless police officers such as Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Hasani Best (to name a few.) S.A.R.S has taken place and has taken the lives of innocent people. COVID-19 has erupted and robbed people of their jobs, seeing their families, and their sanity. 

And, let’s not forget you. A student who has been on the frontline in a pandemic. No- you do not work in a hospital, or in a doctor’s office. You may not work in a restaurant that has chosen to stay open for the benefit of the community, but you are on the front line. 

I said what I said. 

You have had to stay home and learn. Some of you have gotten to go back to your designated school only for them to send you back home. If you are bold enough to say “Black Lives Matter;” “Vote Biden!” or “Vote Trump!” You should be bold enough to respond by working hard on your school work. Getting A’s on tests, and pushing to be the best version of yourself. 

The truth is, nothing just happens. Why, for any moment should you allow any circumstance to stop you from performing at your absolute best?”


Justice in a Pandemic is the empowerment all of you who are students need as you enter into this upcoming school year. Today you must say “good-bye” to excuses, laziness, and procrastination. Instead, remember your goals and chase after them day-by-day. The best way to draw attention to the justice you are seeking after is to demonstrate it in your work ethic. This is not the end of this movement, it is just the beginning because you deserve justice.

1 comment

  • I really never thought about the way we neglect our personal need for justice on a basic level, wow!!

    Shekinah Colley

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