Two Keys to Self Discipline | Focus & Integrity

Hey Class, 

Today's discussion is centered around the subject self-discipline. Considering that you have goals in your life and you have no problem stating that you desire success, I thought I'd chime in to give you insight into the how of doing so. In no way is achieving your goals a simple task neither is it for the weak. If you ask world renown athletes like Simone Biles or LeBron James about achieving success, I am sure they would tell you their road to awards and gold medals is pure hard work.

Jim Rohn once said, "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments." This means, if you can envision yourself winning, then the bridge that you need to get there is self-discipline. If you find yourself wrestling with procrastination and laziness, keep reading. 

The Key to Self-Discipline: Focus & Integrity


I remember being in class where my teacher would be teaching on a very important subject only to look up to see a student staring out the window. The teacher would then ask "are you still with us?" Of course she did not mean physically, but the mental state of mind that the student was in. This happens to you when you think about something for a long period of time and begin to imagine it. In your mind you are there. This brings me to my next question: What are you focused on?

The matter of the mind is very important as it relates to focus. When there is a lot happening in your personal life, family life, and your school life it can become challenging to set your mind on the main goal. With many choices to make, I have no doubt that you become anxious. Your mind becomes frustrated because right now does not look "there" (the setting of the goal.) Anxiety and worry solely take your mind off the solution and place it on the problem. Choose to focus on the goal and applying the necessary steps which will contribute to the BIG picture. Don't be discouraged if you can only contribute to the goal in small portions. Each and every small piece contribute to the end goal.


Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is looking. I want to explain this topic in the form of a mental image. Follow along with me:

Imagine your favorite TV show or movie. Now think about the most intense scene. If the show or movie was produced well, this scene should have given you chills, drove you to tears, made you jump out of your seat (because of temporary terror,) or caused you to feel nostalgic. Further, if this scene was produced well it would cause you to tell someone else about it and encourage them to go watch it for themselves. When they go to watch it, you wait in anticipation to see if they have the same reaction you did.

Now, let's say the actors and the scenes are the final product. Visualize what goes on behind the scenes. The producers, directors, and the makeup artists are there to assist and direct those who will be on camera.The actors are rehearsing and studying their script. This is the integrity. There is importance in what happens before the the camera begins rolling. Those who are not in the show or movie still have to be in attendance to make sure all details are ready before someone ready to make it happen calls out "rolling!" In order for the presentation to be at peak performance, there were certain areas that needed perfection first. Integrity.

If you have ever seen the "behind the scenes" footage then you know what I am talking about. In like manner, your test scores, business ventures, and sporting events are the performance, but the practice is your integrity. We must consider how integral we have been with the assignments that are given to us. To be assertive, I do not advise trying put on a show on the forefront if you are not willing to do the work behind the scenes. Integrity is imperative in your self-discipline. 


There are many factors that contribute to your personal success. One is self-discipline. Your goals are awesome and I am cheering you on. Remember class, to do your homework and examine you. You can ask yourself these 3 questions and answer them honestly for your self-improvement: 

1.) What have I been focusing on this year?

2.) Am I solution-oriented or am I problem-oriented?

3.) With the responsibility that I have, am I willing to be integral? 


  • Simply Amazing!!! Of this is only the beginning; I am excited to see what is next!!! Awesome, incredible!!! Excellent Job!!!!!

    Katrina Rush
  • Autumn!!!!!! This was amazing, my attention was grabbed after I read the first sentence! I’ve never seen such great analogies that describe focus & integrity. I’m so happy for your growth & expansion, the future is so bright.

    Shekinah Colley
  • Thank you Miss. Williams for this lesson. I learned so much and have a better way on staying focused on what truly matters.

    Arteona Oliver
  • Effective post! Focus & integrity are essential to self discipline. I love the example used about the making of the movie – the outcome & success based off of integrity ! The more discipline – the greater the reward! For yourself and others will benefit from your success! Thank you Miss Autumn for sharing

    Kasey Edwards

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